CEPT AAA Organization Structure: Explained

CEPT AAA’s organization structure and finances were explained on a January 23, 2022/Sunday zoom call, a summary for which is available here.

Logo Design Competition

Winning Entry Logo by Srinivas K.

Logo Design Competition Winners

1st Prize: Srinivas Karthikeyan

(winning entry: image on left)

2nd Prize: Hasmukh Patel

3rd Prize: Neha Soni

Winning Entry Design Concept by Srinivas Kartikeyan

Competition Jurors

  • Prof. Vikram Bhatt

    Professor Emeritus of Architecture at McGill University

    Fellow, Royal Society of Canada and MRAIC. CEPT FA 1965

    More info: https://www.mcgill.ca/architecture/vikram-bhatt

  • Kirit Desai, AIA, PP, AICP, LEED AP

    Architect/Transportation Planner.

    Worked with Port authority of NY & NJ, I.M. Pei Partners (New York,NY) & Vastu Shilpa (Ahmedabad)

    M. Arch. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. CEPT FA 1963

  • Reshma Srinivas, LEED AP

    Project Architect at Kutnicki Bernstein Architects in New York, NY

    M.Arch. Architectural Association, London. B.Arch. School of Planning and Architecture, Chennai, India.

    She is a Children's Book illustrator with a keen interest in Food Art. She has worked on numerous Branding and Logo design projects over a period of 7 years More info: Instagram @culturecurry_art. and https://www.culturecurryart.com/

CEPT AAA thanks the Judges for their help in evaluation and selection process.

We thank Neha Soni for initiating and Aditi Chaturvedi for coordinating the Logo Competition.

Logo Design Criteria

Background: CEPT Alumni Association of Americas (CEPT AAA) is a New York State registered not-for-profit organization. It is an independent organization established for and by CEPT University alumni in Americas. The mission is to promote and enhance the welfare of CEPT University Alumni in America and develop financial and other resources for the CEPT Alumni Association of Americas. Also, to promote collaboration with CEPT University and its Alumni Community in America and provide funds and other assistance to CEPT University in Ahmedabad, India.

Overview: CEPT AAA is seeking a creative logo to be designed by a CEPT Alumni. The logo may be used on CEPT AAA website, social media sites, letterheads, posters, or anywhere else CEPT AAA chooses. Following are the requirements of the competition. By entering, participants agree to be bound by these contest rules. Violating any rule or not following instructions may eliminate participants’ eligibility. CEPT AAA has the right to disqualify any entrant at any time at its sole discretion. However, the organization reserves the right not to select any.


  • The logo should recognize and reflect the spirit and identity of CEPT AAA.

  • The logo should incorporate the CEPT AAA name: abbreviated or spelled out. If you are using a spelt-out version, the following words should be appearing prominently: “CEPT”, “Alumni” and “Americas”. Preferred logo will be carrying these three words, however if you have a creative design for CEPT AAA abbreviation, we are surely open to it.

  • The logo must be appropriate for a professional setting.

  • Each logo should be accompanied by a short explanation on your rationale for how it recognizes and reflects the spirit and identity of CEPT AAA.

  • The logo should not bear any elements of or resemblance to any current or previous logos used by CEPT University or CEPT related organizations.

  • All entries must be submitted electronically to the CEPT AAA at ceptalumniamericas@gmail.com

  • Submissions must include the full name(s) of the person(s) who designed the logo, City of Residence, CEPT Degree, Batch year, email address, and phone number.

  • One or more submission per person is acceptable. The competition is open to all CEPT Alumni.

  • The competition closes at 11:59pm EDT on November 10, 2021.

  • Color must be CMYK. It would be wonderful if it can also look attractive when produced in black and white.

  • Logo must be easy to use, handle, resize, and manipulate for all reproduction purposes. It should be visually appealing on both small (as small as 1” x 1”) and large scales.

  • The Logo design must be submitted in Jpeg or PDF formats. A selected winner must submit a high-resolution scalable vector file (e.g., in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or InDesign) that is adaptable to electronic and print media.

Intellectual Property:

  • Entrants affirm their submissions are their own original work, have not been copied from others or from previous designs, including their own, and do not violate the intellectual property rights of any other person or entity.

  • Submissions become the sole property of CEPT AAA and may be used for any CEPT AAA purposes, including, but not limited to, display on websites, social media sites, letterhead, posters, and other materials.

  • CEPT AAA shall have the right to adapt, edit, modify, or otherwise use the winning submission in part or in its entirety in whatever manner it deems appropriate.

  • CEPT AAA reserves the right not to select any submitted entries.

  • CEPT AAA reserves the right to choose not to use the winning entry as described in these contest guidelines.

  • CEPT AAA reserves the right to use any other entry for promotional purposes in the future.

  • If the winner is determined to have violated any rules, he/she will be required to forfeit or return the prize, even if the determination is made after the prize has been awarded.

 Determination of Winner:

  • Winning entry will be selected by a panel of members. Their decision will be final and no further correspondence shall be entered into.

  • Entries will be judged based on the following criteria (though other criteria may be considered): Relevance – Does the entry align with the theme and goals of the concept prompting the competition? Originality – Does the composition exhibit original design, creativity, and imagination?

  • Aesthetic Quality – Does the submission command attention? Does it display visual balance and color coordination? Do all the elements work together to create a unified and appealing design?

  • Ease of Reproduction – Can it be used across various purposes stated in the guideline?